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The Carat Shop

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73 products


Barbie Pendant & Necklace Silhouette on Black Onyx Bead (Sterling Silver)
Fantastic Beasts tree ornment with Necklace Niffler
Friends Necklace Central Perk (Silver plated)
Harry Potter Bookmark Harry Potter (silver plated)
Harry Potter Bookmark Hedwig (silver plated)
Harry Potter Bookmark Hermione (silver plated)
Harry Potter Bracelet Charm Set Deathly Hallows/Snitch/3 Spell Beads (silver plated)
Harry Potter Charm Chocolate frog (gold plated)
Harry Potter Charm Deathly Hallows (silver plated)
Harry Potter Charm Sorting Hat (silver plated)
Harry Potter Cutie Button Badge 4-Pack Harry Potter & Hedwig
Harry Potter Cutie Collection Necklace & Charm Hedwig (silver plated)
Harry Potter Deathly Hallows Earrings (silver plated)
Harry Potter Drop Earrings Time Turner (gold plated)
Harry Potter Earrings 3-Pack Snitch/Deathly Hallows/Platform 9 3/4 (silver plated)
Harry Potter Earrings Chocolate Frog & Box (Gold plated)
Harry Potter Earrings Fawkes (Gold plated)
Harry Potter Earrings Golden Snitch (silver plated)
Harry Potter Earrings Lightening Bolt & Glasses
Harry Potter Earrings Love Potion (Sterling Silver)
Harry Potter Earrings Time Turner (gold plated)
Harry Potter Earrings Time Turner (gold plated)
Harry Potter Earrings Time Turner (gold plated)
Harry Potter Golden Snitch Stud Earrings (Sterling Silver)
Harry Potter Keychain Chocolate Frog (gold plated)
Harry Potter Keychain Golden Snitch (silver plated)
Harry Potter Keychain Lightening Bolt & Glasses (silver plated)
Harry Potter Keychain Time Turner (silver plated)
Harry Potter Necklace & Charm Diadem (Sterling Silver)Harry Potter Necklace & Charm Diadem (Sterling Silver)
Harry Potter Necklace Deathly Hallows (Gold plated)
Harry Potter Necklace Fawkes (Gold plated)
Harry Potter Necklace with Pendant Golden Egg with Gift Box
Harry Potter Pendant & Necklace Deathly Hallows (silver plated)
Harry Potter Pendant & Necklace Fixed Time Turner (gold plated)
Harry Potter Pendant & Necklace Hogwarts (silver plated)Harry Potter Pendant & Necklace Hogwarts (silver plated)
Harry Potter Pendant & Necklace Love Potion (Gold plated)
Harry Potter Pendant & Necklace Slytherin (silver plated)
Harry Potter Pendant & Necklace Spinning Time Turner (gold plated)
Harry Potter Pendant & Necklace The Golden Snitch (silver plated)
Harry Potter Slider Charm Leather Bracelet QuidditchHarry Potter Slider Charm Leather Bracelet Quidditch
Harry Potter Slider Charm Time Turner (gold plated)
Harry Potter tree ornment 3D Deathly Hallows
Harry Potter tree ornment 3D Golden Snitch
Harry Potter tree ornment 3D Love Potion
Harry Potter tree ornment Fawkes Rose Gold
Harry Potter tree ornment with Bracelet All I want for Christmas
Harry Potter tree ornment with Keychain Deck The Great Hall
Harry Potter tree ornment with Necklace Gryffindor