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HG NZ-666 Kshatriya 1/144


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Mit den Zahlen 666 (Zahl des Tieres) ist der Kshatriya ein äußerst mächtiger mobiler Anzug, der Angst erzeugt. Vor allem mit den ausgerüsteten Strahlkanonen auf der Brust und den Ordnern sowie 24 Trichtern und 4 versteckten Armen unter den Ordnern. PS Der Bausatz ist um einiges größer als andere HG-Bausätze. Mit den 4 großen Büroklammern nimmt es ziemlich viel ein.

Base nicht enthalten.

Für kleine Kinder nicht geeignet, da viele Kleinteile vorhanden sind.

Erscheinungsdatum: Oktober 2009
Serie: Gundam UC (Einhorn)
Maßstab: 1/144
Artikelgröße/Gewicht: 39,1 cm x 31,0 cm x 10,9 cm / 870 g
Hersteller: Bandai
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Customer Reviews

Based on 4 reviews
Christoph Schrake
Awsome Shop

The dellivery was perfect. Mo damages.
I have some small problems with the shop. If I'm on PC it does not change automatically into englisch an euro. Is there a possibility to change it manualy into euro?
The next thing is that not every description is in eglisch. For example the PG Exia 1/60.
Lastly the newsletter i get was most of the time not in englisch.
I still love the shop. Awsome job.

Massive & Magnificent

Well, maybe not magnificent but it’s a damn good kit.

Kshatriya is the mid tier boss from “MS Gundam Unicorn” that outshines the main antagonist.

An average mobile suit kit is around 13cm and the head of this guy, not counting the four massive wing binders or the antenna, is around 17cm and easily over 20 with everything.
It has the width and depth to go along with it - It’d look at home in the MG category size-wise, an absolute beast.

I only have a minor complaint, which is that the sticker color correction sheet is a bit large.
The articulation is good for what it is, I highly recommend getting a “1” base for this if you want it in any other pose than simply standing, as the kit contends with the weight of the four binders.

Having said that, it’s surprisingly stable and has good engineering and weight displacement. You can lock the binders in place so they don’t sag.
The four secondary arms at the tip of the binders (which fold out) are cosmetic, you won’t be able to hold much with them.
All the tiny funnels are removable (little lasers under the binder, 6 on each, 24 in total).

It comes with two giant beam sabers, though there’s nowhere to store them. Its main weapons are in the body itself.

The eye can be moved left to right via a tab under the chin, like most mono-eye kits.

The real treat here is the size and its imposing design. If ever they make an MG out of this, it’ll be an instant classic.

Kristofer Andersson
Ett måste i samlingen.

Denna modellen var bland de roligaste jag byggt och även riktigt stor för att vara i skala 1:144. Lätt att ställa i olika coola poser. Enda minuset jag kan ge är klistermärkena som följde med. Dom är hemska och ser inte bra ut efter man satt på dom. Kan varmt rekommendera detta kitet till alla som vill ha en riktigt cool gundam i samlingen.

Jacob Cowan
Always a pleasure

The delivery was fast and the kit was perfect. Thanks

HG NZ-666 Kshatriya 1/144
HG NZ-666 Kshatriya 1/144 Angebot€61,95

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