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RG 1/144 Gundam Epyon


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„Gundam Epyon“ von „New Mobile Report Gundam Wing“ wird als völlig neues RG-Modell kommerzialisiert! Ausgestattet mit einem neuen beweglichen Gimmick, das dafür optimiert ist, das Strahlschwert kraftvoll und natürlich zu schwingen! Übernommenes RG-Originalarrangement mit Flugsauriermotiv!
■Der Rumpf kann auf 2 + 1 Achsen schwingen und der Bauch kann nach vorne gestreckt werden, um die Kompatibilität beim Vorbeugen zu verbessern.
■Wir verwenden einen Verriegelungsmechanismus für das Hüftgelenk. Sowohl Verformung als auch Bewegung sind kompatibel und es ist möglich, robust und weit zu schwingen.
■ Mit der beweglichen Achse am oberen Teil des Handgelenks und der beweglichen Unterarmrolle kann den Posen ein breites Spektrum an Ausdrucksmöglichkeiten hinzugefügt werden.
■Die Schulterpanzerung lässt sich entfalten, so dass Sie Ihre Arme heben und gleichzeitig Ihre Schultern in Position halten können. Es unterstützt auch kraftvolle Posen, bei denen das Balkenschwert mit beiden Händen angehoben wird.
■Die Klinge folgt der Bewegung des Knies und beeinträchtigt das natürliche Knien nicht.
■Die Flügelteile sind durch die Bewegung der Flügel miteinander verbunden. Die Höhe der Flügel lässt sich durch Verschieben der Basiswelle verstellen.
■Im MA-Modus können die Mundwinkel und der Mund geöffnet werden, um Gesichtsausdrücke auszudrücken.
■ Im Schienbein ist eine ausziehbare Kugelbewegung eingebaut, um die Bewegung des Halses zu realisieren. Die bewegliche Achse des Oberschenkels erzeugt eine flexible Halsbewegung wie bei einem Flugsaurier.
■Für den Heizstab wird ein fortschrittliches MS-Gelenk verwendet. Verwirklicht eine scharfe Form wie ein Schwert und eine flexible Bewegung, die eine Spirale zeichnet.
■Das Kabel, das das Balkenschwert und die Halterungsverriegelung verbindet, besteht aus einem Anschlusskabel.

■Balkenschwert x 1
■Balkenschwerthalter x 1
■Schild x 1
Heizstab x 1
■Handteile x 1 Typ
■Anzeigegelenk x 2 Typen (für MS/MA)
■Anschlusskabel x 1
■ Realistischer Aufkleber × 1

        Basis nicht im Lieferumfang enthalten.

        Für kleine Kinder nicht geeignet, da viele Kleinteile vorhanden sind.

        Erscheinungsdatum: September 2023
        Serie: Neuer mobiler Bericht Gundam W-Serie
        Artikelgröße/Gewicht: 31,0 cm x 19,0 cm x 8,2 cm / 460 g
        Hersteller: Bandai
        Abbildungen der Produkte können professionell gemalt oder am Computer gerendert sein und vom tatsächlichen Produkt abweichen

        Customer Reviews

        Based on 4 reviews
        Jan Kristensen
        det bedste RG kit til dato

        denne udgave af epyon er nok bandais bedste rg kit til dato, og ms joins er kun brugt til heatrod/halen, kittet er meget stabilt og kan stå af sig selv, jeg vil dog tilråde en aktion base til den

        Rasmus Jakobsen

        Fantastic service

        Vladislav Kassymov
        My first RG

        I really enjoyed building this module and the Epyon opened my eyes how much fine work it is required of you.

        It was also not only nice to set it up, but on the shelf you have something for the eye

        Superior to the Master Grade

        The Epyon is the latter half antagonist mobile suit of Gundam Wing.
        Besides being designed with the Real Grade aesthetic in mind (how a mobile suit would look in 'real life'), this is somewhat faithful to the TV anime version, whereas the Master Grade is an Endless Waltz redesign (despite Epyon never featuring there).
        It is initially piloted by Heero Yuy and later by Zechs Merquise who was more suited to the dueling nature of this close quarters combat mobile suit.

        The plastic comes in two shades of maroon, navy blue, light grey, dark grey, warm yellow and transparent green.

        These are unusually toned down plastics for a real grade, but it looks almost entirely like it does in the TV show. The large amount of red suits the model well, giving it an imposing appearance and plays well into the dragon theme.
        Incidentally it also gives the model a devilish appearance which fits well as a contrast to the angelic looking Wing Zero Custom. All in all, it looks like it's supposed to and the nearly 30 year old design still looks good today.

        There aren't many panel lining opportunities as most of the surface is color separated, but curiously there's a ton of detail on the inner frame and just below the surface of some of the panels.

        The kit is well undergated with only a few outer nubs here and there. The kit comes with the usual Real Grade decal and foil sticker sheet.

        Real Grade has reached a point where there's too much going on to summarize quickly.
        Suffice it to say that while its immediate predecessor the God Gundam is far superior (being a 'kung fu' model), the Epyon is no slouch and in fact surpasses nearly all other models in the range.

        To note a few things: It has a sliding stomach that enables a better ab crunch, a pivoting torso, tilting wrists and an opening crotch plate that enables the transformation and gives more hip joint movement. The model is built to handle its heavy wings and sword.

        The wings have extending flaps that open automatically, but must be manually closed. They're are also the least articulated parts of the model and have a limited range of movement, which is slightly disappointing.

        Finally it has a transformation as seen on the images, which is pulls off well enough with plenty of dragon head/neck movement and opening mouths.

        The Epyon is famously a dueling mobile suit in an age of superior firepower. As such it has no ranged weapons, but it comes with:
        5 hands - 2 closed fists, 2 holding hands, 1 open palm
        1 Beam Sword which has a detachable cable, a giant beam blade effect and the handle can be stored inside its energy pack, mounted on one side skirt - The sword can be wielded in two hands and the kit enables movement to do it
        1 Heat Rod Shield - A shield with a detachable spike and whip. The spike can be attached to the shield to give it the illusion of being retracted, the whole thing is stored on the back when transformed into a dragon, to simulate a tail.
        2 base adapters for mobile suit and mobile armor (dragon) mode

        Real Grade is starting to reach its peak, there's not a lot more Bandai can do with the tolerances and the increased amount of parts is rivaling Master Grades, if not outright surpassing some of their equivalents.
        This version of the Epyon is superior to the Master Grade in most ways. Due to the large sword, long shield whip and leveraged heavy wings, the MG suffers from its weight, so the parts sag and the wing back pack easily comes off. The RG has no such issues, though it benefits from being on a display base/stand to alleviate the weight from the waist.

        Gundam Wing is my nostalgia show, I love this design and I think they did a great job.
        There is no pilot figure, but both Zechs and Yuy are available from other kits (multiple Yuys).
        The Epyon is a mean looking design and I can only recommend getting this model. I highly recommend an action base for display purposes. Now we just need an RG Wing Zero TV version.

        RG 1/144 Gundam Epyon
        RG 1/144 Gundam Epyon Angebot€54,95

        GPSR forordningen

        Bandai SAS Rue Felix Mangini 15 69009 France
        E-Mail info@bandai.fr